What Kinds of Damages Can I Recover from a Tennessee Trucking Accident?

truck accidentsIn a collision between an 18-wheeler truck and a passenger vehicle, the results are often catastrophic. In 2012 in the U.S. 3,082 large trucks were involved in fatal crashes, which is up 5% from 2011. The number of large trucks involved in crashes that caused injury was up by 22% between 2011 and 2012 from 3,633 to 3,802. Auto accidents are the leading cause of personal injuries in the U.S., but trucks also cause a great number of accidents that can be fatal or have life-changing consequences for those who suffer injuries.

If you have lost a loved one in a trucking accident or if you have suffered injuries from having been involved in a truck accident there are many different kinds of damages you might be able to recover.

  • Medical expenses. You can make a claim for both current and future expenses from injuries resulting from the accident.
  • Lost wages. If you are seriously injured and can’t work, you may be able to receive compensation for the wages you would have earned.
  • Diminished future earning capacity. If you suffer an injury that has an adverse impact on your ability to do your job, and you have to change careers and demand a lower salary, you may receive compensation to cover that as well.
  • Permanent impairment. You may be eligible to receive compensation for any impairment that becomes permanent, such as the loss of a limb or traumatic brain injury.
  • Pain and suffering. You may receive compensation for the pain and suffering you endured from the accident.
  • Property damage. This is compensation for your monetary losses from the damage or total loss of your vehicle sustained in the accident.

The compensation that you might receive for your injuries and property damage is categorized as economic, non-economic or punitive. Punitive damages are not compensatory; rather, they are intended to penalize the person or corporation at fault. Whether punitive damages are available in a case depends on the facts of the case, and if the jury decides that they are warranted. An experienced personal injury attorney will advise you about what kinds of damages you are likely to recover.

The lawsuit to recover compensation in a trucking accident is based on proving the negligence of the truck driver, but it could also include contributing factors such as an overloaded truck, or a load that is not properly distributed, poorly maintained equipment such as tires or brakes, or dangerous weather or driving conditions. For more questions about Truck Accident cases call Jeff Cherry at 615-444-7222.